Not-for-Profit organizations operate solely for the benefit of the public. Therefore, those charged with their governance have certain rights and responsibilities in making sure that their organizations operate exclusively on a charitable basis.
The two main responsibilities are the duty of care and the duty of loyalty. All actions should be taken with the same care that any prudent person would use in the same situation, and always in the best interest of the organization. In summary:
You are responsible for making sure the organization is financially accountable by reviewing and approving the annual budget, making sure the organization has adequate internal controls over financial matters, and by periodically reviewing financial reports.
Board members and management are the ambassadors for the organization. They function best when their expectations are mutual and their responsibilities are clear. In carrying out their duties, they should ask pertinent questions, expect good answers and always keep the organization’s mission in focus.
Anstiss & Co. is a Lowell- based public accounting firm serving clients throughout the United States. The firm was founded by Ray Anstiss, Sr. in 1964, and is currently listed as a Top-35 Accounting Firm in Massachusetts by the Boston Business Journal.